Next-gen business model
Unified business
A place where things are centralized and unified
In order to expand business projects’ scope, establish new revenue streams, increase business profits, a unified digital business platform is essential to business in the digital world today.
A Unified Digital Business Platform creates new experiences on products and services, delivers positive and impactful outcomes, formulates new business models with meaningful revenue streams, based on which, business generates huge data volume from emerging technologies such as social media channels, mobile and IoT devices.
What are the benefits of a unified digital platforms?
A Unified Digital Business Platforms enables business to get closer to potential outcomes:

A unified digital platform for Business that fit business’ nature

Develop a coherent Digital Transformation Strategy
The digital transformation strategy must align with organization’s needs and help business avoid applying emerging technologies only because they are trending while in fact, they may not fit business at this moment:
- Determine the future desired state of business
- Understand specifically requirements needed to be fulfilled
Establish a modular mindset
A modular mindset will be the foundation for building the unified digital business platform in order to further enhance business’ ability and speed in leveraging future technologies that are not yet available.
Build unified digital business platforms
The platforms connect company's inherent infrastructure to new, streamlined business processes, together with essential technological capabilities for digital transformation success.
Manage and upgrade platforms
While the platforms are managed and monitored, at the same time, they requires continuously upgrade and improve.
Building a successful Unified Digital Business Platform with FPT Digital to open up new business opporuntities for sustainable and robust development of the whole business.
Other reference initiatives
To build a next-gen business model, besides of having a united business platform, initiatives and roadmap are tailor made for each business to ensure practical and feasible implementation approach. Some other reference initiatives for building a next-gen business model include:
Explore your digital potentials