Reinforce a digital workforce

Change management

Despite major efforts to drive transformation, 84% of organizations struggle to deliver a successful transformation projects*, largely due to the internal resistance to change and lack of management support.
The increased customer demand, the competitive market and the evolvement of technology have pushed companies to transform themselves digitally to stay relevant. While companies are obsessing about utilizing technology to improve their customer-facing services, many fail to realize that human nature is risk-averse and that employees are very likely to resist organizational change
Although these digital initiatives, more often than not, require employee training and adoption across teams, departments and within the whole organization, change management process - the backbone of these initiatives are taking the backseat
The enhanced change management
Reducing resistance and improving engagement from employees
Providing transparent and precise knowledge and information to employees
Adopting quickly new mindsets and behaviors
Ensuring long-lasting commitments from senior stakeholders
Embracing a change culture within the organization
To achieve these goals, past Change Management elements include Committed Leadership, Well-informed Employees and a Rigorous Program Management process. While these elements are absolutely crucial to the success of Change Management, like every other processes in the Digital Age, Change Management as we know it is outdated.
Top managers provide long-term support Employees are provided with accurate and suficient information change-left Through methodologies, tools, plan requied
Change management
We have developed 3 enhanced and 1 new pillars of Change Management to best support digital initiatives
Top managers provide long-term support Employees are an active part of the process change-right Tools, methodologies are provided but used with a more flexible manner Behaviors are shaped by direct association and reinforcement
01 Exemplary leadership
Everything starts with the leadership so commitment alone is not enough. Leaders themselves have to be role models as employees would mirror their actions
02 An agile program management process
Change management should be able to change. While thorough, detailed methodologies and tools are provided, they should be used in a more flexible way to reflect employee’s opinions and the organization’s adaption rate.
03 Hardwiring new routines
This is a new Change Management pillars. As behaviors are shaped by direct association and reinforcement, the clear sets of policies and formal reinforcement allow employees to have clear purposes, hence, they are likely to be more active in driving behavior and process changes.
04 Empowered employees
Digital transformations, more often than not, require major cultural and behavioral changes. So not only should employees be kept in the loop with the accurate information but they should be empowered to embrace the change. These can be done through sufficient training, open communication and allowing employees to have a say on how the digitization should be carried out. The digital transformations are reportedly having an increased success rate of 40% when employees play an active role in the change process.
Change with us
To unlock the full potentials of digital transformation, it need to be accompanied by Change Management. With our experience in implementing, maintaining and improving digital initiatives for clients, we provide services that enable these 4 pillars supporting the success of the Change Management process
Change Strategy
Change strategy
Define and align the vision of the organization after the change program
  • Internal digital maturity and adoption assessment
  • Learning strategy
  • Communication strategy
  • Change management roadmap
Change Capabilities
Change capabilities
  • Workshops and training courses
  • Open communication program
Change Tracking
Change tracking
Utilize data analytics to track training progress and impacts during and post
  • Analytics-based Behavior measurement and tracking capability system
  • Change Impact Assessment
Other reference initiatives
To reinforce a digital workforce, besides change management , initiatives and roadmap are tailor made for each business to ensure practical and feasible implementation approach. Some other reference initiatives for reinforcing a digital workforce include:
Explore your digital potentials