EP06 | Building solid technology platform for digital transformation - FPT Digital
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EP06 | Building solid technology platform for digital transformation
29 August, 2022

EP06 | Building solid technology platform for digital transformation

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Digital transformation has become an inevitable part due to the rapid change of technology. It has caused enterprises to plan a suitable strategy and direction to adapt with it. Improving technological capabilities is one of three main pillars of digital transformation, and it needs to be implemented, which help the implementation process of business, operation and management strategy faster and more effective. In particular, the core of building solid technology platform is the IT infrastructure and data security and safety issues.

What role does technology strategy play in the digital transformation roadmap of the business? What should enterprises pay attention to and how to orient to have a solid IT infrastructure? Besides, what benefits enterprises receive while focusing on assure the data security and safety issues? How can enterprises ensure the data security and safety issues?

Content sessions
1. 03:58 - The role of technology strategy in digital transformation roadmap
2. 07:48 - Characteristics of a solid IT infrastructure
3. 12:56 - The importance of security and safety issues in technology strategy
4. 20:25 - Opportunities for enterprises from the use of cloud computing services
5. 28:00 - What enterprises need to keep in mind to ensure security and safety while building IT infrastructure
6. 34:12 - Advices from experts to approach digital transformation roadmap effectively
Mr. Nguyen Minh Duc
Founder & CEO, CyRadar
Mr. Do Duc Toan
Director, Focused Accounts, Amazon Web Services Vietnam
Mr. Le Hung Cuong
Deputy Director, FPT Digital
Host Vuong Quan Ngoc
Consulting Director, FPT Digital

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