EP03 | Digital transformation in SMEs - FPT Digital
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EP03 | Digital transformation in SMEs
31 May, 2022

EP03 | Digital transformation in SMEs

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In Vietnam, Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) take accounts of more thant 97% total amount of enterprises. Therefore, thanks to the fast adaptation and agile, SMEs play a vital role in the digital economy transformation journey.

Involving in the digital economy, what are the needs of SMEs for digital transformation? What advantages and disadvantages that SMEs might face when assessing and transforming digitally? Compared with large enterprises, what do digital transformation in SMEs have in common? What characterstics that makes SMEs difference?

Content sessions
1. 05:24 - The needs of SMEs when assessing digital transformation
2. 08:32 - Characteristics of SMEs compared to large enterprises while doing digital transformation
3. 19:00 - What SMEs and large enterprises have in common while doing digital transformation
4. 26:17 - Case study of implementing digital transformation of SMEs
5. 33:47 - Experiences, difficulties, challenges from case study of digital transformation implementation through perspective of Base
6. 45:53 - Long-term potential of digital transformation for SMEs through perspective of digital transformation consultancy
Dr. Nguyen Dang Hanh
President, Vietnam France Exchange VFE & President, Architecture Technique Construction ARTECO ENGINEERING
Mr. Trinh Ngoc Bao
Co-Founder & COO, Base.vn
Mr. Nguyen Duc Minh
Consulting Director, FPT Digital
Host Vuong Quan Ngoc
Consulting Director, FPT Digital

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