S2 EP04: Human resources development in digital world - FPT Digital
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S2 EP04: Human resources development in digital world
28 April, 2023

S2 EP04: Human resources development in digital world

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For every business, people are a prerequisite to creating benefits, a strategic factor in the long-term development of the business. Along with the development of the 4.0 technology revolution, today’s human resources are increasingly in demand, always learning and innovating. In the era of technology development, businesses need to have digital human resources with the necessary digital skills to be able to help digital businesses be formed. Not only do companies increase training programs, but human resources also need to actively develop themselves to match the requirements of the job and the new era. In order to be able to successfully transform digitally and bring about breakthrough results in business, the resources of enterprises need to be ready to master technology and keep pace with the digital transformation process of the organization.

So what is the demand for digital human resources in businesses, and how is the shift in digital capabilities so far for businesses? The shortage of digital human resources and how Vietnamese businesses are applying to find and fill that shortage. What factors need to be ensured for successful digital transformation?

Content sessions
1. 02:32 - The needs and of Digital talents in FPT Software and worldwide
2. 05:44 - Status quo of IT manpower shortage in Vietnam
3. 09:03 - Status quo of the shortage of digital talents and skills; how to compensate for digital skills shortage
4. 15:30 - People transformation - what should be noted when business implements
5. 23:02 - Actual deployment and development of digital talents at FPT Software
6. 33:34 - HR2B services offering & real stories
7. 43:01 - How to Build an Effective People Transformation Program
Mrs. Nguyen Bich Hong
Managing Director, HR2B
Mr. Nguyen Tuan Minh
Human Resources Manager, FPT Software
Mr. Le Hung Cuong
Deputy Director, FPT Digital
Host Vuong Quan Ngoc
Consulting Director, FPT Digital

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