Digital solutions - Page 10 of 11 - FPT Digital

Digital solutions

Digital Strategy

Digital marketing in the digital age

Digital Marketing is changing the role of traditional marketing. With the trend of global digitization, digital transformation in marketing is an indispensable thing to compete and grow in digital era.
19 December, 2019
Digital Strategy

Core technology elements for the movements in modern retail market

Learn why AR, Big Data, AI, Machine Learning and IoT are driving the future of Retail industry
19 December, 2019
Digital Strategy

Aviation is at the forefront of the digital wave

Airlines innovate to differentiate themselves from competitors, to cut costs and to enhance in such fierce and fast-changing market
19 December, 2019
Digital Strategy

The impact of digital technology in aquaculture industry

Digital technologies such as data analysis or the Internet of Things bring new opportunities for the aquaculture industry
09 December, 2019
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