Support freshman quickly catch up with the corporate culture - FPT Digital
Support freshman quickly catch up with the corporate culture
Digital Strategy

Support freshman quickly catch up with the corporate culture

The success of most large corporations or small companies depends more on human assets than material assets, because finding talent to do the job is harder than factory and equipment and it is not even always possible to attract talent with money. Excellent human resources will help create a foundation for improving the capacity of employees, the team and the whole collective.

New hires to the extent allowed will be able to improve the organization such as instilling more creativity, innovation and working spirit, etc. Thus, helping new personnel quickly integrate into the organization is a very important aspect. Today, with the widespread application of technology, integration support can be clearer and faster, but it is also vulnerable to the opposite effect without a specific direction. So what are the considerations to help the new team quickly catch up and become part of the organization?

Digital Culture

Corporate culture is the values, beliefs, forms that everyone in the business recognizes, thinks, says and acts as a habit, like the spiritual life and personality of a person, and is the decisive part of the long-term success of the business. Leaders and managers levels need to understand that when businesses digitally transform then how does the corporate culture change?

Digital culture is formed when businesses apply technology during operation. Technology will impact and change the way it links within departments, beliefs and attitudes of each person to the overall organization. They think, act and collaborate in a technological environment and thereby create new corporate cultural values. Digital culture also will create human resources with outstanding values such as breakthrough thinking that creates many new ideas, can adapt to the change of the organization, is willing to absorb feedback to turn into new opportunities, share cooperation with internal and customers, This helps businesses always create a competitive advantage in the market.

Thus, the cultural value will exist in each employee, especially those who have been attached for a long time will clearly reflect the characteristic culture of that organization. They are the ones who shape more, anchor more existing values. What about the new ones? What will businesses do to help them quickly hold and become the image of those values?

Experience of new personnel

The assumption is that HR has recruited people with the criteria of work and cultural values. How will they start working? What will be the first and next day? What information and support that businesses need to provide?

The answer will depend on each business but basically follow the requirements of the work and administrative regulations already in. This is true, but it’s not enough. Businesses need to add “soft” factors such as the introduction of the working environment, promotion opportunities, history and culture of the organization. Harvard Business Review conducted a survey of managers about what factors convinced them to join and stay in the current organization. As a result, the organization’s culture and values account for 49% of the reasons why they stay and stick around for the long term (1). The working process of an employee usually consists of 6 stages: Contract Signed; Onboarding; Getting Familiar; Performance; Development and Growth.

The Employee Journey

Bring an impressive experience to the first day of work

Nowadays, businesses have mostly been supported by technology in administrative procedures, so it is possible to perform such steps as filling out forms, sending documents. According to Shane Green, author, speaker and consultant for many top Fotune 500 entrepreneurs on corporate culture, the key is that businesses need less time on administrative paperwork and focus on giving employees a great first impression of the organization.

On the first day, new employees should be introduced to such things as:

  • Learn about the vision and mission in an understandable way: It may be a list of important products and services and clearly state what businesses are doing, what is directed and who the service object is. Thus, new employees can immediately shape their role in helping businesses fulfill their promises to customers. By using internal digital channels, the introductory content can be transferred by a link to the candidate to learn in advance, spend time talking about the value the business brings and make a good impression from the beginning.
  • Learn about the standards and desires of businesses about customer experience: This is extremely important, especially since the whole market revolves around customer experience nowadays. Access to business standards will help new people understand that the standard is to satisfy customers and how they achieve it. In other words, they need to know what customers want and what promises from businesses. In particular, during and after the digital transformation process, the business has also enhanced the provision of customer service, bringing excellent experiences. All should be collected into video clips that are easy to visualize. Thus, create interest with new employees immediately and also being the “No. 1 customer of the business”.
  • Grasp the development process of the business: This is the most interesting part that is easy to impress on the first day. The story about the process of formation and development of business will answer questions and curiosities that the information on their media channels has never been told. Here, it is easy for businesses to share more deeply about the mission, about why through each milestone. An atmosphere of pride in businesses easily spreads to the minds of new employees and they will imagine how they will become part of the journey to conquer the milestone of the future.
  • Learn about the values of business: Being thoroughly introduced to values helps new employees understand how they will work and how to achieve high results. For example, do they get creative without fear of making mistakes, how much responsibility they are responsible for and how often they are allowed to make mistakes, whether they are supported or collaborative when they need to, or do they need the spirit of learning new things all the time to flexibly adapt multi-task, etc.

According to the experience of talent development, FPT Digital, we advise businesses to devote a lot of enthusiasm on the first day of joining so that new personnel are full of impressions and determination to join the team. Businesses can invite those assigned to be responsible for guiding new personnel, enthusiastic former employees, the most experienced managers, etc. to participate in communicating content that will easily transmit to new employees.

During the trial, it always needs a responsible person for orientation

If the first day should bring an impressive experience, then in the following weeks should show them how to bring that great experience to your colleagues and customers. How many weeks is enough? Shane Green has indicated that the first 60 days should be focused, or about 12 weeks of work. This is the period when new personnel determine whether to stay with businesses or not and vice versa, do businesses feel that they have recruited the right person.

A good probation program will begin with how the team or department assigned will welcome new people and show how important they are. They will feel like they continue to have a great experience when they are welcomed to the team they work with.

First of all, businesses need to do the very important thing is to appoint a responsible person for orientation. This person needs to have the same skills and qualities to be able to become a source of information about businesses for new personnel in the first working weeks. Moreover, it also creates relations and tightens internal connection within the organization.

Next is followed by training programs with clear roadmaps to help employees better understand their work, business activities related to their work and importantly, what their work will help businesses bring experiences to customers, contributing to the products and service of the business. Here, it is necessary to show the consistency of the standards and values mentioned on the first day and in this trial training program.

Eventually, it will be evaluated and received feedback. In addition to the information collected informally, businesses and new personnel should make a review after 60 days. This is an opportunity for new personnel to express how to reconcile their values and also for the management of enterprises to determine whether to continue to retain them or not.

After the trial process, there is still a guide and support team

After the 60-day process, once both HR and businesses have identified relevance and engagement, then help them set goals for the next 6 to 12 months. The implementation process is always oriented by instructor and the support team, especially with new digital technologies and processes always need to take time and in-depth guidance to be able to adapt early. In other words, it is necessary to constantly check and create a good experience with new personnel during the first few years, because the orientation is not only during the probation period but the strategy of retaining talents, helping businesses save time and costs to build sustainable human resources.



Reference sources:
(1) Why employees stay?
(2) Oak. Employee journey mapping

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