Digital transformation enables state-owned enterprises to strengthen their competitiveness and maintain sustainable development - FPT Digital
Digital transformation enables state-owned enterprises to strengthen their competitiveness and maintain sustainable development

Digital transformation enables state-owned enterprises to strengthen their competitiveness and maintain sustainable development

The most important element in the process of digital transformation of state-owned enterprises is to change the mindset and orientation of enterprises from product-centric to customer-centric. According to Mr. Doan Huu Hau – Consultant Director of FPT Digital, using customer feedback to transform accordingly and optimize customer experience also needs to be implemented by state-owned enterprises to successfully move towards digitalisation.

On July 26, a seminar on digital transformation in state-owned enterprises organized by the Ministry of Information and Communications attracted the attention of many experts and business leaders. With more than 18 years of experience working in the field of Information Technology and implementing many digital transformation projects in areas such as finance and banking, logistics and state management, Mr. Doan Huu Hau – Consulting Director of FPT Digital shared about how digital transformation helps state-owned enterprises create leverage to develop in a sustainable manner.

Currently, private enterprises are constantly developing and competing directly with state-owned enterprises, making it impossible for state-owned enterprises to stay out of the digital transformation trend. Apart from strengths such as having social prestige and large databases, state-owned enterprises face many challenges such as difficulties in transforming operating models, procedures and proofs of effectiveness for digital transformation.

Image 1. Workshop on Digital Transformation in State-owned Enterprises conducted by the Ministry of Information and Communications
Image 2. The seminar received attention of different technology experts and state management

From his experience in digital transformation consulting at FPT Corporation as well as multi-sectoral partners, Mr. Doan Huu Hau advises on five factors that state-owned enterprises need to implement in the transformation process: transforming mindset and business orientation; optimize operating regulations to increase efficiency; create opportunities for employees to develop new professional skills in product development and customer service; take customer feedback; create new products, services and business models.

Successful digital transformation will help state-owned enterprises strengthen their competitiveness and maintain their sustainable development in the current fierce competition.

Image 3. State-owned enterprises face many challenges in the digital transformation process.
Image 4. Mr. Hau shares how digital transformation helps state-owned enterprises create leverage and develop sustainably
Image 5. Mr. Doan Huu Hau – Consulting Director at FPT Digital participated in the seminar
Photo 6. “Digital transformation helps state-owned enterprises strengthen their competitiveness and maintain sustainable development” – Mr. Hau shared at the event
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