On May 31, FPT Digital participated in the ASEAN TVET Council Regional Policy Dialogue conference in Bangkok, Thailand, by sharing information about the applications of online vacancies data in Vietnam.
The world of work is changing dynamically with technological advancements, digitalisation, globalisation, demographic and climate change. Timely and comprehensive labour market information systems can help to provide stakeholders with an up-to-date overview inform employment and skill policies. Efficient use of labour market information in policy making can contribute to the enhancement of the workforce, keep it updated to meet the requirements of the changing labour market hence secure decent work. Successful models of gathering, analysing, utilising and sharing labour market information require targeted and harmonized efforts from various stakeholders, from both public and private institutions.
Mr. Pham Thanh Dai Linh, Consulting Director of Digital Transformation at FPT Digital, discussed the importance of labour market data and how to use it to help maintain enterprise resource systems. Furthermore, Mr. Linh stated that the creative data sources and management experience will contribute to the enterprise’s development policy. The ASEAN TVET Council (ATC – ASEAN Vocational Education Council) emphasises the effective use of labour market information to strengthen labour market-oriented skills in its work plan up to 2030, projecting the fourth industrial revolution and other emerging trends.