FPT Digital is working with GIZ to create a labor market information supply system based on data mining from online job boards - FPT Digital
FPT Digital is working with GIZ to create a labor market information supply system based on data mining from online job boards

FPT Digital is working with GIZ to create a labor market information supply system based on data mining from online job boards

On March 3rd and 4th, the Data4Policy Project, as part of the German Development Cooperation Organization’s (GIZ) “Data4Policy” Initiative, successfully organized the Workshop “Information Labour Market for Analysis and Forecasting of Labor Demand in Vietnam” in both direct and online formats. The German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) authorized the workshop to assist the Ministry of Labour, Invalids, and Social Affairs (Department of Employment) in amending the Employment Law.

Policymakers, national/international experts, and researchers in the field of labor – employment and skills, employment service centers under the Departments of Labor, War Invalids, and Social Affairs of provinces and centrally run cities; international organizations; big data providers; universities, and media agencies were among those who attended the workshop.

Dr. Vu Trong Binh, Director of the Employment Department (Ministry of Labour, Invalids, and Social Affairs), stated at the conference, “Labour market information is very important for both the Government, localities, training institutions, businesses, and workers.” As a result, establishing a database is essential.”

Photo 1: Dr. Vu Trong Binh, Director of the Employment Department (Ministry of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs)

“The Department is currently developing and requesting that each locality deploy a labor market information database as soon as possible,” Dr. Vu Trong Binh stated. “Localities should establish hiring platforms as soon as possible to centralize interconnected information, and at the same time establish a cooperation mechanism with international organizations, schools, and experts to build a labor market database that ensures the reliability and efficiency of these databases.”

According to the Director of the Employment Department, the construction and digitization of the labor market database assist all levels and sectors, agencies and units from the central to local levels, to effectively manage the labor market; catch up with supply-demand, fluctuations for analysis, close forecast; reasonably build employment policies, support policies, plans, solutions, as well as incentive mechanisms for businesses and private individuals to develop…

Furthermore, businesses must understand labor market information in order to develop a strategy for management skills, increasing the size of job openings, consolidating and improving labor quality, and assisting employees in understanding the requirements and finding suitable jobs.
FPT Digital will work as a consultant on the project, developing a system to provide labor market information by leveraging big data from online job platforms. In the exploitation and application of big data on online job positions, feasibility studies with important issues have been shared and clarified. According to the report, this data source has the potential to supplement and support labor market information in Vietnam.

Photo 2: Mr. Nguyen Tuan Anh, Director of Digital Transformation Consulting at FPT Digital, sharing about the system to provide additional information to the labour market through data mining

Simultaneously, FPT Digital presented concepts and preliminary designs for a system that would mine data from online job platforms to provide additional labor market information. Delegates from the Employment Department, Vocational Skills Department – General Department of Vocational Education, public employment service centers, Social Sciences Research Institute – Ministry of Labor, universities, and labor professionals expressed strong support and interest in the ideas.

A few more pictures from the workshop.

Photo 3: Workshop on “Labour market information for analysis and forecasting of labor demand in Vietnam”
Photo 4: Mr. Darjusch Tafreschi – GIZ
Photo 5: Mr. Nguyen Tuan Anh – Director of Digital Transformation Consulting at FPT Digital
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